Making Your Trees Safe and Inviting for Your KidsMaking Your Trees Safe and Inviting for Your Kids

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Making Your Trees Safe and Inviting for Your Kids

When many people talk about trees, they talk about pruning them or blocking their roots from hitting sidewalks or other things. I rarely hear anyone talk about making their trees more hospitable for their kids. Hi, my name is Gina. I am the mum of four sons, and if they couldn't climb the trees in our yard, they would be jumping on my furniture and climbing my walls all day long. Luckily, I have a friend who works in the tree service industry, and he has helped me with everything from assessing the safety of dead branches to adding swings to the trees to pruning them for easier climbing. As he can't be everywhere, I decided to share the tips and tricks I've learned from him and from our experience with trees. Enjoy!

5 Reasons to Leave Tree Lopping to the Experts

Tree lopping involves removing branches from a tree to improve its shape and health. For instance, if a tree has become too large for a property, tree lopping can reduce its size. This is useful if you want to keep a tree rather than remove it. Some homeowners try to tackle this job themselves. But this is often a mistake. You should leave tree lopping to the experts for various reasons.

1. Your safety

To change the shape of a tree, you need to climb up among the tree's branches so you can selectively lop branches. This is dangerous if you don't have the right safety equipment. And if you are working with a cutting tool such as a chainsaw, you are putting yourself at risk. Expert tree loppers have the tools and the training to lop trees safely.

2. Your tree's safety

If you remove too many branches from your tree, you could shorten its lifespan. Trees need their leaves to take in food. This means that if you remove too many branches, your tree could slowly starve to death and be dead within a year or two. Experts know how many branches they can remove without hurting a tree.

3. Diseases and pests

Cutting tree branches is a skill that takes training and years of experience to master. If you cut a tree branch in the wrong way, such as too close to the trunk, you open the door to pests and diseases, which will gradually weaken your tree. A dying tree is a danger to its environment because it attracts pests and will shed branches over time.

4. Your tree's beauty

Professional tree services know how to lop tree branches to make a tree more attractive. They can also remove tree branches when a tree is too large. If you climb up into your tree and cut away branches without proper planning and training, you could ruin your tree. This will leave you with an unsightly tree, which could reduce the value of your property.

5. Your local council

The government of Australia protects many kinds of trees, especially native trees. And mature trees of a large size are considered valuable to the environment. This is why you often need to seek the permission of your local council before you lop branches from a tree on your property. A tree service can help you obtain the permission you need to lop branches from your tree. If you go ahead and lop your tree's branches without permission, your local council could fine you a hefty amount.

If you have a tree on your property that could benefit from tree lopping, be sure to hire a tree lopper so you can have the job done safely and correctly.